The 2008 reunion hosted by Gordon and Teri Risk was a great success. Our stay at the Holiday Inn West-Bay was very enjoyable and accommodations were excellent. The weather could have cooperated more, but we survived with our MASSEY shirts and jackets to protect us.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The activities began with our registration, followed by a get-acquainted gathering in the hospitality suite. Reunion and tour information packets were available in the hospitality suite. Dinner at various local establishments was on our own.
Monday September 29, 2008
We met for breakfast in the hospitality suite so as to be fully energized for our trip to Mackinac Island. We departed the hotel at 0800 and arrived back at 1830.
Transportation--bus, ferry boat, and horse-drawn carriage tours with guides, were part of the tour.
Some 47 of us enjoyed the guest privileges of the Grand Hotel public spaces, with the world's longest veranda, and the Grand Luncheon Buffet in the dining room.
Back at our hotel, we spread out to various restaurants for excellent dinners.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
After a leisurely breakfast in our private hospitality suite, we boarded our buses and visited the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park and the last existing Life Saving Station. Both were very picturesque and interesting to visit.
Afterwards, we had lunch at the Bluebird Restaurant in Leland and explored Fishtown Harbor. Fishtown has only three other equals in charm and history in all North America.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Today, we stayed in Traverse City. Our annual business meeting was held at 1000. The memorial service was held, at 1500, at the Merchant Marine Academy.
At 1600, we split into two groups to tour The Great Lakes Maritime Academy and the SS Michigan training ship. Our banquet reception was at 1730, followed by the banquet at 1900.
Reunion attendees: Bernie and Mary Jane Barilla; John and Lynne Bertram; Jack and June Butler; Marv and Phyllis Christensen; John and Judy Curtis; Juan de la Cruz; Duane and Karen Edwards; Richard Eggert; Al Figaszewski; Don Foley; Bill and Dolly Frizzle; Jerry and Aggie Goodson; Bill Gregory and Chris Frye; Bob and Priscilla Grigas; Gene and Phyllis Hanna; Buddy Hatchell; Don and Rachel Heenan; Harry and Illene Jellick; Andy Kubishen; Jim and Loretta Leber; Lance and Judy Massey; Gerald and Marjorie McCloskey; Jim and Marlene McKee; Tom and Carole Norman; Elmer Oberlander, first-time attendee, Bill and Irene O’Byrne; Jessie and Sandy Ortiz, first-time attendees, Jerry and Lee Owens; Tom and Nancy Parker; Paul and Kathy Pavone; Bob and Ruth Prentiss; Bob and Sue Radziwon; Gordon and Teri Risk; Bob Rogers; Phil Rush; Amba and Mary Ellen Sargent; Jerry and Betsy Sherbondy; Phil and Maryann Smith; Phillip K. and Dallas Smith; Gordon and Marilyn Speer; Kerrah Stone; Ted and Kay Streiter; Bill and Audrey Thieke; Tom and Kathy Truesdale; Jim Volkman; Fred and Pat Voss, first-time attendees; Butch and Joan Walters; Charlie and Jean Weaver; Jack Zagaros and Pat Loyd; Caroline Zucco and sons.
Annual Business Meeting
The annual business meeting was held at the Holiday Inn West-Bay, Traverse City, Michigan on October 1, 2008 at 1000. With a quorum of officers present, the meeting was called to order by President Phil Smith. Phil led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and in prayer.
Old Business
The last business meeting was held in 2006. The reading of the minutes of that meeting was waived, and the minutes were filed. There was no 2007 business meeting, as a quorum of officers was not present on the reunion cruise.
New Business
Treasurer Don Heenan gave the financial report of income and expenses. The Treasury had a balance of $8,870.68 on September 30, 2008. The report was accepted and filed.
Procurement and Supply Officer, Wilson Walters reported that sales of MASSEY gear at the reunion totaled $1,110. He also informed all that supply was pretty well exhausted; but items could still be ordered by contacting him at (724) 258-9223 or
The president read into the record a letter from Tom Potoskie, host of the 2007 reunion, summarizing that reunion, as no business meeting was held.
Letters of thanks from Bernie and Mary Jane Barilla and from Carolyn Zucco were read.
The following slate of officers was placed in nomination for the bi-annual election of Association Officers:
• PresidentTom Potoskie
• Vice PresidentBernie Barilla
• Secretary/EditorJerry Goodson
• TreasurerDon Heenan
• HistorianGordon Risk
• Master-at-ArmsPaul Pavone
• Procurement & SupplyWilson Walters
All were unanimously elected by voice vote. All will also serve as the Executive Committee, as will Phil Smith as Past President.
A proposal from the floor to present a plaque to Tom Potoskie in recognition of the his service to the association was made and approved by voice vote. Judy Massey volunteered to produce and forward the plaque.
Juan de la Cruz gave a presentation on the proposal of San Antonio, TX as the site of the 2009 reunion. After discussion, the site was approved. Juan will be our host.
Proposals were solicited from the floor for sites for the 2010 reunion. Two were proposed: Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Charleston, South Carolina. After discussion, a vote was taken and Charleston, SC was selected. Tom and Carole Norman volunteered to host this reunion.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.