Welcome to the Skinny, your place to sound off, find all shipmates and join the discussion with the folks who make up the membership of the USS MASSEY Association!

09-15-2020:  To several new MASSEY Friends who within the last month posted a comment or question relative to a Father or relative’s service on MASSEY during her early years of service, the webmaster may have inadvertently deleted your posting while cleaning pending trash/spam postings to the site.  If you do not see your comments on the site, please resubmit your comments/questions.  Apologies to all!! 

38 thoughts on “The Skinny”

  • Mark Wilson says:

    I have the great opportunity to interview Wendell Davis, who served on the Massey from its launch until the end of the war. Can anyone give me some insight into Wendell’s time on the Massey?
    I feel greatly honored and privileged that he has agreed to talk with me.

  • Chip Anderson says:

    My father, LTCMDR George Anderson Jr, served on the USS Massey in the late 50s and early 60s. He passed away last December. He had many pictures of the ship include several high quality shots of it arriving in Monaco harbor. I’d love to send these photos to someone at this organization if there is interest. Please contact me for details.

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Chip – Sorry for your loss of your Dad and our fellow MASSEY shipmate. I care for the website and apologize for the slow response. I usually get a notification that a new comment has been posted but not on this case. I would be the POC for the pictures you are offering. Either email to me at or mail to Richard Pearsall, 34 Shannon Way, Upton MA 01568. Thanks for thinking of the MASSEY Association. Be Safe. Dick Pearsall, MASSEY 64-66

      • Michael O’Neal says:

        I was a Machinery Repairman on the decommissioning crew in the 70’s.
        I hope to make it to the next reunion.
        Can you add my name to the distribution list.

  • Michael McCluskey says:

    Richard Laczkowski served on the USS Massey 778 while in Vit Nam. Richard was also known as SKI. He was from Chicago. Richard die 5 years ago. He was a RD 3.
    My name is Michael McCluskey I was on the DASH crew. We both served in 1966 in Vie Nam.

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Thanks Michael for the info. We will add SKI’s name to our deceased shipmate roster and honor his name at our next reunion. I remember you from the DASH gang and hope the years since that cruise have been good to you. Be safe. s/Dick Pearsall (vaprep50@outlook.com)

  • Connie Paron says:

    My Father Constantine (Gus) Paron served on the USS Massey in the mid 50s. Not sure of the year, I think around 54 or 55.
    He passed in 2013, always was proud of serving on the Massey and was a sailor all of his life, crossing the Atlantic during his later years. The ships log is found at http://www.wrbauer.net/wrbweb/mistress/?i=1 It is quite the read!
    He is missed very much and would have loved to have been on this site.


    Connie Paron, (Gus’ daughter)

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Connie – I am the website coordinator for the MASSEY Association and will approve your note for site posting. We also have a reunion coming up in a couple of weeks and I will mention your note. I did check your link to the Mistress Log and found it very interesting. Brave Souls! Thanks for your note. Hopefully you will make a connection with a 50s shipmate of your Dad’s. Be safe. Dick Pearsall MASSEY 64-66

  • Dawn Ullman née Hamrick says:

    Does anyone remember Joe Hamrick? I am his youngest child and was hoping to connect.

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Dawn – I am associated with responding to website generated questions. Would be glad to help but would be best if we had more information. What were the rough dates of his naval service? What’s his rough age? Did he mention what he did job-wise in the Navy in any way? I will post this “email” exchange now in hope a former MASSEY shipmate may read this. One never knows! Be safe. s/Dick Pearsall, MASSEY 64-66

  • Joseph R Milner says:

    Don’t see a commen Joseph R Milner

  • Candace Rae says:

    Hello, my name is Candace Rae Kozora and I’m the granddaughter of Donald E Fechtner Sr. I came here to inform everyone that he passed away as of May 18, 2023. His Rank/Rate was an EM2 and he served on the USS Massey between 1961 – 1964.

    I found this association looking through paperwork around the house and I want to make sure everyone knows he was very proud of the time he served and came from a military family.

    Thank you,
    Candace Rae

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Candace – Saddened to hear of your Grandfather EM2 Don Fechtner’s passing and thank you for bringing it to our attention. He has quite a few shipmates from the 60s still with us that will remember him. We will also remember him at our October Reunion. May he rest in peace. Be safe. s/Dick Pearsall MASSEY 64-66

      • Candace Kozora says:

        Thank you so much, I’m happy to hear that he still has quite a few shipmates, I hope you have a lovely reunion in October

    • Robert Zaneski says:

      Hi Candace, I served on the Massey with your grandfather Don 1961-1962. I do remember him, a good guy. Sorry to hear of his passing.

      Bob Zaneski
      IC 2

  • Jean Roberts Joseph says:

    Wanted to let you know that my father, SAMUEL PURNELL ROBERTS, passed away on February 8, 2023. He was proud to have served on the Massey during WWII.

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Jean – The Association is saddened to hear of the passing of your Dad Samuel. Please accept our condolences on his passing and our thanks for his service in WWII. I will pass this on to his former remaining shipmates. God rest his soul. Capt Richard Pearsall, USN (ret)

  • Charles Morrison says:

    Anyone ever hear from MIKE PACKER (Packard?), First Class Boatswainmate?
    I served with Mike during the early 60’s and he showed me how to never get sea sick!! I’ll always remember Mike for taking me under his wing and showing me where the crackers were!! I worked in the ship’s office and mostly the Engineering office.
    Charlie Morrison

  • Michelle says:

    Hello – My Father was on the USS Massey! Do you have any upcoming reunions? Is there a way to sign up for newsletters?


    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Michelle – We recently held our annual reunion in Sept in Buffalo with the next one in the planning stage for Norfolk/Virginia Beach either in last week of Sept but leaning to first week 2-6 Oct 2023. I am this year’s reunion coordinator and will hopefully have the dates nailed down in Jan. I encourage you to join the association. Form is on the website and only $10/year. We encourage family members to join. For our info what was your Dad’s name, years of service, and job on MASSEY so we can see if any of our shipmates may have known him. I have your email so will send you a copy of the latest newsletter and hook you up with our Secretary and Membership leads. Great to hear from you. Be safe. s/Dick Pearsall MASSEY 64-66

  • Jared Chieco says:

    Does anyone remember Father, Frank Chieco. He was never really into sharing his experiences with the family. Never shared his rate, what crusies he was on, etc.

    I am an Active Duty Security LDO (Mustang) and would live to hear about any experiences anyone can remember.

    Thank you all for your Service. It’s my honor to have the Watch.

    Very Respectfully,
    LT Jared Chieco

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Hey Shipmates, LT Jared Chieco, USN is searching for a MASSEY shipmate who would have known his Father, Frank Chieco. Jared figures his Dad was on MASSEY late 60s to her arrival in New York in the early 70s. We are hoping that you younger MASSEY guys from the early 70s may have known shipmate Frank Chieco and will contact the LT at email address ja0522@gmail.com.

    • Paul says:

      My name is Paul Prochilo. I was on the Massey from 1968 to 1970. Took the ship down to the Brooklyn Navy yard in 1970 From Newport RI. when it was decommissioned into the reserve fleet. I remember your father well! He was a great guy! If memory serves me we went to Boot camp at Great Lakes together as well. I remember the Company commander told him to do 50 pushups and he replied “One handed or two,Sir?” he did them one handed.
      Hope this helps!

  • Jeff Peters says:

    Anyone remember my father Gus Peters 1952 778 USS Massey

    Unfortunately any years ago!!

  • A friend of mine, whose uncle recently passed away, was given some brass medallions, one of which is from the USS Massey (DD 778). The uncle’s name was LCDR Jacob Robert Holzschuh. I was wondering if you might be interested in having this medallion.

    The medallion is brass, about 1/16” thick, and about 3” in diameter. On the front is what appears to be the ship’s shield, and the back is plain.

    I served on USS NIMITZ (CVN 68) in the 80s, so have no connection to the Massey.

    Mark W. Pedersen
    CAPT, JAGC, USN (Ret.)
    1360 US Courthouse
    100 State Street
    Rochester, NY 14614
    (585) 613-4360

    • Dick Pearsall says:

      Mark – Your name sounds familiar though I tried to stay clear of JAG folks when on active duty. I am a past President of the MASSEY Association and the web coordinator. I would be very interested in seeing the medallion if you could mail it to me. I would then see how it would best fit in the association’s web of interests. Thanks for thinking of us and particularly for your friend passing on his uncle’s name. If doable please ask your friend if he knows his uncle’s rough dates of service on MASSEY so we can see if past shipmates may have known him. Thanks again. Standing by. Dick Pearsall, Capt USN (ret), 34 Shannon Way, Upton MA 01568, 757-679-8920

      • Randy S. Martin says:

        Hi Dick,
        My name is Randy Martin. I’m contacting you to find our where I can send some Massey documents and pictures.
        My father Don Martin served in WW II on the USS Massey from approximately 1944-46. He participated in several of the reunions in the 90’s and possibly late 80’s. I believe he participated at Sec. Treasurer for group that worked to hold reunions.
        He passed in Feb 1999 and I’ve kept documents he had. I sent message several years ago to some Massey folks, don’t recall who in particular, but never heard back. I’m looking for someone who may want to receive the box of documents and pictures I have. I’ve also got old VCR tapes of reunions that my father took.
        I hope this message finds you safe and well. Sincerely Randy Martin

        • Dick Pearsall says:

          Randy -Your Dad was a bit ahead of my time in the MASSEY reunion business but this posting should get a response from a couple of the older youngsters. I will follow it up and see if we can get you hooked up relative to the documents you have from your Dad Don. Thanks and Be safe. s/Dick Pearsall MASSEY 64-66

      • Mark Pedersen says:

        I am in the process of retrieving the coin. When I hadn’t heard back from anyone (and was unaware that you had responded on this website), I gave it to Chuck Baylis who runs the military museum here in Rochester, NY (https://www.rochestermilitary.com/). I wrote to him to ask if I could retrieve it and send it to you.

        • Dick Pearsall says:

          Mark – Sorry slow responding. Vacation time. We appreciate your efforts to retrieve the mysterious coin. You are more than welcome on the reunion info. Glad you received it. Stay in touch. Be safe. Dick Pearsall, MASSEY 64-66

  • Joseph R Milner says:

    Trying to contact John (Jack) Butler served on Massey 1947-1950.

  • Richard Pearsall says:

    RM1 Kelley Long – Thanks for your recent posting. Sorry to hear about your Brother in Law’s passing. We will add him to the scroll of Lost Shipmates and remember him at our next reunion. Be safe. s/Dick

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